Displaying items by tag: tomatoes

Friday, 10 August 2018 16:52

Rosedale Ratatouille

Rosedale Ratatouille

sungold tomatoes ratatouille


If you’re like me, I’ll bet that you can’t eat just one Rosedale Sungold Tomato!

These little gems have earned their reputation as a local favorite for their remarkably sweet flavor and there are so many ways to enjoy them – on kebabs, in salads, in pasta, or by themselves…you’ll never find a shortage of ways to intergrate them into your summer menu.

But when I got my Rosedale CSA this week, I made something that I consider to be one of the great, super-healthy comfort foods - Rosedale Ratatouille - and the Rosedale Sungold Tomatoes were definitely the star of the dish!


  • • 1 Rosedale eggplant, finely diced (I like the peel, so I leave it on)
  • • 3/4 cup Rosedale zucchini, finely diced (I used Rosedale patty pan squash instead)
  • • 1/2 cup Rosedale peppers, finely diced
  • • 1/2 cup Rosedale sungold tomatoes sliced in half (optional)
  • • 1/4 cup Rosedale onions, finely diced or sliced
  • • 1 tablespoon garlic, finely minced
  • • 1/8 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • • 1 tbsp of mixed fresh herbs finely chopped (basil, thyme, oregano etc.)
  • • sea salt and freshly ground pepper salt to taste
  • • a chunk of parmesan cheese for grating (optional)


  • • Sauté the diced eggplant in olive oil on low to medium heat until it’s soft and lightly browned (about 5-7 minutes). Remove from pan and put in bowl
  • • In the same pan sauté the patty pan squash and peppers at the same time on low to medium heat until they’re lightly browned (about 3-5 minutes depending on how finely diced it is). Remove from pan and place with eggplant in bowl
  • • In the same pan, turn down the heat to low and sauté the garlic and onions until barely translucent (about 2-5 minutes)
  • • Re-add the cooked vegetables to the pan. Add the herbs and tomatoes. Sauté for 3-5 minutes or when all the vegetables are equally done but not overly mushy
  • • Put the vegetables on a pretty plate and add a few grinds of pepper and sea salt. Top with parmesan cheese and enjoy
Published in Recipes & Nutrition
